Section 2 The Story Of Creation - 05 Life In Heaven

Question: So, if they remained in Heaven, did they continue having children? If so, do they procreate via sexual reproduction?

God’s answer:


You shall conceive without sin.

Meaning: Yes, they continued having children, the same way Adam and Eve had children before the fall – they conceived without sin.

Note the word YOU, meaning God is saying I will have children in Heaven as well.


Question: What do You mean by conceive without sin?

God’s answer:


Be My lady.

Meaning: The name Lady Bug is named after the Virgin Mary, 20

Before the fall of Adam and Eve, and up until now, children in Heaven are conceived the same way Jesus was conceived, by the will of God and not by the will of man. There is no sexual reproduction involved. Sexual reproduction was the way by which Adam and Eve begat children on their own. (see the Chapter on The Evolution of Fallen Man and Angels) This is not biblically unsound. St. John in His gospel mentions this: “But to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God, to those who believed in his name, who were born not from human stock or human desire or human will but from God himself.John 1:12-13

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